Useful Resources

A collection of links to tutorials, blogs or other resources that I have found useful in my training, research or career.

Bioinformatics and coding resources

  • Getting started with the command line, or with R? I began with Software Carpentry’s Introduction to Unix and Introduction to R tutorials
  • Dave Tang, a good friend who prompted me to get Twitter and start blogging, has a multitude of helpful bioinformatics bits and pieces on his blog. If you don’t know how to do it, Dave’s probably done it and written a post on it.
  • Mike Lee’s blog, Happy Belly Bioinformatics (prize for most unique blog title) is also immensely helpful for those starting out in bioinformatics, particularly in microbial ecology.
  • A very powerful command called awk can help with many tasks I want to accomplish in bash. Unfortunately, awk commands initially look messy and are hard to learn. This tutorial demystifies it a bit.
  • If you’d like to make a blog that looks like mine, you can follow a series of blog posts by Rob Williams. The website uses Jekyll, Ruby, HTML and GitHub, none of which I really understand - Rob’s guide makes it easy.
  • If you loathe the idea of writing a PhD thesis in Microsoft Word, you may wish to consider Bookdown. There’s a few thesis templates out there, such as thesisdown, with many versions customised for particular universities.

Scientific resources